school and education

Dr. Franz Kogelmann, the Managing Director, Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, University of Bayreuth (Germany) pays a courtesy call to the Office of the Vice-Chancellor

uni visit 1032020Prof. Isaac Sanga Kosgey, Vice-Chancellor, on Tuesday 10th March, 2020 received Dr. Franz Kogelmann, the Managing Director, Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, University of Bayreuth (Germany) in his Office at the Main Campus. The purpose for the visit was to assess the facilities at the Africa Cluster Centre.

Moi University was selected by the University of Bayreuth as one of four (4) African Cluster Centres of Excellence in African Studies to be funded by the German Federal Government. The benefits include; receiving 130.000 Euros (Kes16 Million) per year as an annual budget for staff and recurring expenses, supporting IT infrastructure and financing one academic fellow per year, opportunity to raise additional cluster funds from the main cluster in the University of Bayreuth for specific research projects, workshops, and conferences based on a competitive selection process. Besides, it will fund other activities like research projects, workshops, conferences and publications.

Dr. Kogelmann was accompanied by Maria Hennig the Quality Manager, Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, University of Bayreuth (Germany). They were also received by Members of the University Management and Prof.  Peter K. Simatei, the African Centre Leader at Moi University.


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